Friday, September 11, 2009

Viva la Paris! or Bon Voyage, Caitlyn!!

Caitlyn left for Paris today (actually yesterday) for BYU Study Abroad. I think she made it there okay -- at 1:38 am my phone rang -- I had put it on my nightstand in case she called! After jumping up and grabbing the phone I finally answered and the operator said "Collect call from . . . and I hear Caity say 'Caitlyn'. To accept, press '1'." Fumbling with the light so I could find '1', I finally pressed it and there was no one there! I must have taken too long . . . so I sat up waiting for her to call back (hence this blog post at 2:23 am!). My fingers (and toes) are crossed hoping she's there and everything is fine!!!!

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